Jordyn Hautz, Margaret Kato, and Jillian Stewart collecting eastern-tailed blue butterflies

Margaret Kato and Michael Zhao preparing plots for establishment of common milkweed plants.

Established common milkweed plants in Beltsville.

Michael Adu-Brew handing monarch caterpillars to Maryland Day visitors

Jillian Stewart presenting at the 2024 Eastern Branch ESA Meeting in Morgantown, WV

Michael Adu-Brew presenting at the 2024 Eastern Branch ESA Meeting in Morgantown, WV
January 2025: Zachary Dankowicz joined the lab. Welcome! Niranjana is teaching a graduate seminar course on Pesticide Toxicology and Risk Assessment.
November 2024: Michael Zhao, Michael Adu-Brew, and Niranjana presented on research and extension work at the Entomological Society of America meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Niranjana presented on updates to pesticide and endangered species at the Maryland Water Monitoring Council Annual Conference in North Linthicum, MD.
October 2024: Michael Zhao and Niranjana organized Pesticide In-Service Meetings at Wye and Western Maryland Research and Education Center. Niranjana attended the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry meeting in Fort Worth, TX, and participated in a panel discussion and symposium.
September 2024: Sabrina Purtee joined the lab as a faculty assistant. Welcome Sabrina!
August 2024: Jillian Stewart started her first term as a graduate student! Michael Adu-Brew had his first committee meeting. We are hiring a postdoc - see advertisement. Michael Zhao and Niranjana's extension work was presented at the American Chemical Society, and Niranjana presented at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV.
July 2024: Daffa Villandiar, undergraduate technician, joined the lab. Welcome Daffa! Niranjana attended the AAPSE Meeting in Laramie, WY.
June 2024: Niranjana attended the Northeastern Pesticide Safety Education Workshop in State College, PA.
May 2024: Luke Humke, undergraduate technician, joined the lab. Welcome Luke! The Krishnan Lab started field work (see photos).
April 2024: Michael Adu-Brew volunteered at the Maryland Day Insect Petting Zoo. Michael Zhao and Niranjana Krishnan attended a State FIFRA Issues Research & Evaluation Group (SFIREG) meeting in Annapolis, MD. Niranjana guest lectured on evaluating pesticide risks to insects in BSCI 145 - The Insect Apocalypse: Real or Imagined?
March 2024: Jillian Stewart, Michael Adu-Brew, and Niranjana Krishnan presented at the Eastern Branch Entomological Society of America meeting in Morgantown, WV. Niranjana presented on monarch butterfly research at the Raymond Seminar Series at the University of Vermont, Burlington, and on updates in pesticide laws and regulations at the Maryland Landscape Conference in Brandywine, MD, and virtually at the USDA/BARC Agency Pesticide Recertification meeting.
February 2024: Niranjana presented updates on pesticide laws and regulations at the Maryland Agricultural Pesticide Conference in Frederick and at the Cecil County Winter Agronomy Meeting.
January 2024: Michael Zhao (faculty assistant) joined the lab. Welcome! Margaret Kato joined the Entomology Honors Program. She will work on generating species sensitivity distribution models for Coleoptera and will assess their risk to insecticide exposures. Niranjana is teaching Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology (BSCI 170).
December 2023: We are hiring a faculty assistant. Advertisement can be found here.
November 2023: Michael, Jillian, and Niranjana attended the Entomological Society of America Conference in National Harbor, MD. Niranjana organized a symposium on "Assessing Pesticide Risks to Endangered, Threatened, and Other Species of Conservation Concern". Niranjana presented on "From Fields to Forks: The Journey of Pesticide Regulation" at a Science on Tap event in College Park, MD.
September 2023: Niranjana organized Pesticide In-Service meetings for Maryland extension agents at the Western and Wye Maryland Research Centers.
August 2023: Michael Adu-Brew (graduate student) joined the lab. Welcome!
July 2023: Niranjana attended the AAPSE Meeting and Certification and Training Workshop in Savannah, GA.
June 2023: Jillian Stewart (faculty assistant), Jordyn Hautz (undergraduate technician), and Margaret Kato (undergraduate technician) joined the lab. Welcome everyone! Niranjana presented an update on the Maryland Pesticide Safety Education Program at the AgFS Summer In-Service Meeting in Annapolis, MD.
May 2023: We are hiring a postdoctoral associate. Advertisement can be found here. Niranjana attended the PACT Meeting and Manual Development Workshop in Traverse City, MI.
April 2023: We are hiring a faculty assistant and undergraduate technicians. Advertisements can be found here and here. Niranjana guest lectured on evaluating pesticide risks to insects in BSCI 145 - The Insect Apocalypse: Real or Imagined?
February 2023: Niranjana presented her monarch butterfly research and providing updates on the Maryland Pesticide Safety Education Program at the Maryland Agricultural Pesticide Conferences in Frederick and Denton, MD.
January 2023: Niranjana Krishnan joined the Entomology department at the University of Maryland, College Park, as an assistant professor.
The monarch butterfly photo (seen at the home page) was taken by my colleague, Jacqueline Pohl, at Iowa State University.